Monday, August 24, 2009

Proclaimed the Mambo King

Every time I move to a new place, one of my first experiences is going to the local 7-11 to pick up something and meeting some random person. La Mesa has been no different to me.

Tonight, I was walking out of 7-11 and fumbling with my car keys in my pocket trying to get them out. I finally get them out and I put the key into the slot, turn the key to unlock the door and this guy says "Hey" and I jump and hit my electronic lock button and my car beeps and locks again. Slightly frustrated, I turn to see a man who is very dirty and about middle aged walking towards me asking for any change I might have.

Very tempted to say "I don't have any" and lie my butt off, God convicts me and I give him the 15 cents I have left in my wallet. He thanks me and pounds his chest and says "God bless you." I say "no problem" and I turn to stick my key into my front door keyhole again.

As I'm about to insert the key he interrupts my action and says, in his very broken and virtually incomprehensible speaking, "You know... you look like the Mambo King" (imagine the most drunk guy trying to talk to you--that's how he was talking). I turn completely towards in an attempt to make conversation with him. It could turn into a ministry opportunity so I drag it out for a little bit. I respond to his statement letting him know I have no idea who he is talking about. He stumbles around his words, and himself, and proceeds to sing "A little bit of Monica by side, a little bit of Erica, all night long--you know... that guy." I try not to give sympathy laughs but in the case of my audience, I decided to humor him and chuckle with a big grin on my face. I say "Well, thank yo" and he perceives I may have been insulted (which I wasn't. I was very confused though) and says "It's a good thing." I give him another one of those sympathy laughs cause I'm too confused to really respond any other way and enter my car.

I could have sworn I left El Cajon Blvd...

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